ANIMAE LUX – Arte Borgo Gallery – Roma


a cura di Anna Isopo

Presentazione a cura di Martina Scavone

Sabato 2 marzo 2024 alle ore 18:00 presso Arte Borgo Gallery prende il via “Animae Lux”, la nuova tripersonale a cura di Anna Isopo. L’inaugurazione sarà accompagnata dal commento della storica e critica d’arte Martina Scavone.

Con “Animae Lux” si intende delineare la personalità espressiva raccontata dalle contrastanti opere in mostra.  L’introspezione del singolo comparata ad un penetrante viaggio dell’animo in sincronia con una ricerca, una storia, un’emozione. Una mostra in cui la profonda sensibilità degli artisti esplode e riflette da opere che fanno trapelare tracce di una dimensione alternativa. Gli artisti sono partecipi di un dialogo che conduce l’osservatore alla ricerca della luce dell’anima che spinge gli autori alle complesse produzioni artistiche.

Jana Kreft vive e lavora a Celle, in Germania. Le sue opere nascono strato dopo strato grazie ad una sovrapposizione di diversi materiali, tra cui polvere di marmo e pietra, caffè, pietra calcarea palustre e altri materiali usati in campo edilizio.

Desart 2 è la nuova firma che si trova in calce alle opere di Alessandra Degni e Simona Sarti. Uno pseudonimo che le due artiste hanno voluto coniare per i loro lavori, espressione di un’innovativa maniera di fare arte, in cui non esiste l’idea di autoreferenzialità.

Klára Sedlo è una pittrice che vive e lavora a Praga. Nei suoi lavori si concentra principalmente sulla psicologia, dando vita a dipinti che parlano direttamente al subconscio dello spettatore e alla sua immaginazione, aggirando completamente la logica.

“Animae Lux” is the new three-artist exhibition curated by Anna Isopo that will be inaugurated on Saturday 2 March 2024 at 6.00 pm at the Arte Borgo Gallery. The vernissage will be accompanied by the commentary of the art historian and critic Martina Scavone.

With “Animae Lux” the curator aims to outline the expressive personality that emerges from the different works on display. The introspection of the individual compared to a penetrating journey of the soul in sync with a research, a story, an emotion. An exhibition in which the profound sensitivity of the artists explodes and is reflected in works that reveal traces of an alternative dimension. The artists take part to a dialogue that leads the observer in search of the light of the soul that pushed them to make such complex artistic productions.

Jana Kreft lives and works in Celle, Germany. Her works are created layer by layer thanks to an overlap of different materials, including marble and stone dust, coffee, marsh limestone and other materials used in the construction field.

Desart 2 is the new duo formed by Alessandra Degni and Simona Sarti. A pseudonym that the artists have coined for their works, an expression of an innovative way of making art, in which the idea of self-referentiality does not exist.

Klára Sedlo is a painter who lives and works in Prague. In her works she focuses mainly on psychology, giving life to paintings that speak directly to the viewer’s subconscious and their imagination, completely bypassing logic.

Animae Lux

A cura di Anna Isopo

Presentazione a cura di Martina Scavone

Arte Borgo Gallery – Borgo Vittorio, 25 – Roma

Dal 2 al 21 marzo 2024

Inaugurazione: sabato 2 marzo, ore 18:00

Ingresso libero

Orari: dal martedì al sabato 11 – 19 | lunedì e festivi chiuso

Info:  |  | 345.22.28.110


curated by Anna Isopo

Presentation by the art historian Martina Scavone

Friday 12 January 2024 at 6:00 pm Arte Borgo Gallery inaugurates “Moments”, the new three artists exhibition curated by Anna Isopo with the collaboration of the art historian Martina Scavone.

MOMENTS is the title specifically chosen for the new exhibition presented at the Arte Borgo Gallery from 12 January to 1 February 2024. Curated by Anna Isopo with the collaboration of the art historian Martina Scavone, the exhibition intends to underline the moments of silence and contemplation from which the different languages of Luigi Cannone, Emma Carter and Maria Emilov derive.

Born in Lecce in 1955, Luigi Cannone is a refined artist. He loves to deal with various themes, ranging from nature, with particular attention to flowers, to marine creatures from a dreamlike-fairytale world from which the artist is evidently involved and attracted. In essence, he uses classical myths and floral subjects to actualize symbolic messages and convey the fragility, beauty and elegance of nature.

Emma Carter is an Irish Visual Artist who explores line as a mark on canvas. Her style is abstract expressionism. The artist’s aim is to manipulate this line and form new marks in her work. Different size brushes and angles at which she applies the paint helps her to achieve an illusion in her work that would almost invite you to look closer to make sense of where each mark and line connects.

Maria Emilov’s artworks are about observation, reflection, and a new apprehension of the seen. It usually starts with a mention of the surroundings, back to the memory lane with something that she has noticed somehow and has the hunch that it will happen again. Then a face raised from the horizon, a detail grabs her attention, and she takes a photo or draws a piece with a powerful pointing feeling of ambiguous reality, already encountered and not yet wholly apprehended.


Curated by Anna Isopo

Presentation by Martina Scavone

Arte Borgo Gallery – Borgo Vittorio, 25 – Rome

From January 12, 2024 to February 1, 2024

Opening: Friday 12 January 2024 at 6:00 pm

Free admission

Opening hours: from Tuesday to Saturday 11 – 19 | closed on Mondays and public holidays
Info:  |  | 345.22.28.110